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Orbit.lua defines a class that represents an immutable two-body Keplerian orbit.

Instances of the Orbit class are immutable and should not be modified under any circumstances. To apply a change to an orbit, simply construct a new one.

The source file contains more functions than are documented on this page. These functions are either incomplete or are used in intermediate calculations in public documented functions. Note that functions that are not documented on this page are not intended to be used outside of the module or called by other scripts. However, if one is curious about these functions, there are comments in the source.


Parent CelestialBody Parameters

CelestialBody parentBody

Represents the parent body that the orbit circles.

number mu km^3/s^2

mu represents the Standard Gravitational Parameter , a quantity equal to the mass of the parent body multiplied by the Universal Gravitational Constant.

string conic

Represents the type of conic this Keplerian Orbit represents. Can be either: - "CIRCLE", when eccentricity = 0 - "ELLIPSE", when 0 < eccentricity < 1 - "PARABOLA", when eccentricity = 1 - "HYPERBOLA", when eccentricity > 1

Energy Parameters

number specificMechanicalEnergy

Also denoted as E, this represents the specific mechanical energy of the orbit, or the energy per unit mass.

number specificAngularMomentum (km^2)/s

Also denotaed as h, represents the specific angular momentum of the orbit.

Shape Parameters

number semimajorAxis km

Also denoted as a, this value represents the semimajor axis of the orbit, in kilometers. For elliptical and circular orbits, (eccentricity < 1) this value is positive. For hyperbolic orbits, this value is negative.

number periapsis km

Represents the periapsis, or distance between the center of the parent body and the closest point of the orbit.

number apoapsis km

Represents the apoapsis, distance between the center of the parent body and the furthest point of the orbit. If the orbit is parabolic or hyperbolic, then this value is equal to math.huge.

number eccentricity

Represents the eccentricity of this orbit, or a dimensionless parameter that measures how the shape of the orbit deviates from being a perfect circle.

Orientation Parameters

number inclination rad

Also denoted as i, represents the inclination of this orbit. Inclination represents the tilt of the orbit from the equator.

number longitudeOfAscendingNode rad

Also denoted as Ω, represents the longitude of the ascending node of this orbit.

number argumentOfPeriapsis rad

Also denoted as ω, represents the argument of the periapsis of this orbit.

Position over Time Parameters

number period s

The period of the orbit, or the time it takes for the object to complete a single orbit around the parent body. If the orbit is parabolic or hyperbolic, the value is equivalent to math.huge.

number timeToEscape s

Given its position at t=epoch, the time it will take for the object to escape the gravitational influence of the parent body. If the orbit is elliptical or circular, this value is equivalent to math.huge.

number epoch s

The time that this orbit was created.

number trueAnomalyAtEpoch rad

The angular position of the object along its orbit at the time this orbit was created. (t=epoch).

Other Parameters

number parameter km

Also denoted as p, the semilatus rectum of the orbit. This is the length of the chord through the focus that is perpendicular to the major axis.

Universal Formulation for Prediction

number alpha

A cached intermediate value used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

number radiusEpochX km

The x-coordinate of the vector pointing from the parent body to the position of the orbiting object at epoch in ECI coordinates. Used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

number radiusEpochY km

The y-coordinate of the vector pointing from the parent body to the position of the orbiting object at epoch in ECI coordinates. Used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

number radiusEpochZ km

The z-coordinate of the vector pointing from the parent body to the position of the orbiting object at epoch in ECI coordinates. Used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

number velocityEpochX km/s

The x-coordinate of the orbiting body's velocity vector in ECI coordinates. Used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

number velocityEpochY km/s

The y-coordinate of the orbiting body's velocity vector in ECI coordinates. Used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

number velocityEpochZ km/s

The z-coordinate of the orbiting body's velocity vector in ECI coordinates. Used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

number velocityEpoch km/s

The magnitude of the orbiting body's velocity vector in ECI coordinates. Used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

number velocityRadialEpoch km/s

The magnitude of the orbiting body's velocity vector that is radial to the parent body in ECI coordinates. Used during the Universal Prediction algorithm.

Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix

number m11

Represents row 1 column 1 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.

number m12

Represents row 1 column 2 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.

number m13

Represents row 1 column 3 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.

number m21

Represents row 2 column 1 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.

number m22

Represents row 2 column 2 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.

number m23

Represents row 2 column 3 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.

number m31

Represents row 3 column 1 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.

number m32

Represents row 3 column 2 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.

number m33

Represents row 3 column 3 of the Perifocal to ECI Transformation Matrix.



function Orbit.fromKeplerianElements(
    parentBody: CelestialBody,
    eccentricity: number,
    semimajorAxis: number,
    inclination: number,
    longitudeAscendingNode: number,
    argumentPeriapsis: number,
    trueAnomalyEpoch: number,
    epoch: number,
    reuseOrbitObject: Orbit?
)  Orbit

Used to construct an orbit using standard Keplerian Orbital Parameters.

The reuseOrbitObject field is used to provide an existing Orbit object to the constructor. If nil, a new object will be constructed. If provided, instead of creating an entirely new object, it will overwrite all the values of reuseOrbitObject instead. This can be used to reuse tables to avoid pressuring the garbage collector.


function Orbit.fromPositionVelocityECI(
    parentBody: CelestialBody, 
    positionX: number, 
    positionY: number, 
    positionZ: number, 
    velocityX: number, 
    velocityY: number, 
    velocityZ: number, 
    currentTime: number, 
    reuseOrbitObject: Orbit?
)  Orbit

Given the initial position and velocity of the orbiting body, this function solves for the Keplerian orbital parameters to construct the Orbit.

The reuseOrbitObject field is used to provide an existing Orbit object to the constructor. If nil, a new object will be constructed. If provided, instead of creating an entirely new object, it will overwrite all the values of reuseOrbitObject instead. This can be used to reuse tables to avoid pressuring the garbage collector.



function Orbit:GetPositionPerifocal(trueAnomaly: number)  number, number, number, number

Returns the current position and velocity at the given true anomaly relative to the Perifocal coordinate system.

number trueAnomaly: ( rad) The true anomaly of the spacecraft at the current point along its orbit.

Returns: number, number, number, number The x and y component of the position ( km) in perifocal coordinates, and the x and y component ( km/s) of the velocity in perifocal coordinates.


function Orbit:GetPositionVelocityECI(trueAnomaly: number)  number, number, number, number, number, number

Returns the current position and velocity at the given true anomaly relative to the ECI coordinate system.

number trueAnomaly: ( rad) The true anomaly of the spacecraft at the current point along its orbit.

Returns: number, number, number, number, number, number The x, y, and z components ( km) of the position in ECI coordinates, and the x, y, and z components ( km/s) of the velocity in ECI coordinates.


function Orbit:CalculateTrueAnomalyAtRadius(radius: number)  number?

Calculates the true anomaly where the orbit crosses the given radius.

number radius: ( km) The radius for which to solve for its true anomaly intersection point.

Returns: The true anomaly ( rad) where the orbit crosses the given radius, or nil if the orbit never crosses the radius.


function Orbit:TransformPerifocalToECI(xValue: number, yValue: number)  number, number, number

Transforms the given coordinates in the perifocal coordinates system to ECI coordinates.

number xValue: ( km) The x-coodinate of the perifocal coordinate.

number yValue: ( km) The y-coodinate of the perifocal coordinate.

Returns: The x, y, and z coordinates ( km) in ECI coordinates.


function Orbit:GetNormalECI()  number, number, number

Returns: The normal vector of the orbital plane in ECI coordinates.


function Orbit:GetTimeToEscape(trueAnomaly: number)  number

Returns the time to escape for a hyperbolic orbit. If the orbit is an ellipse, returns infinity (because it will never escape)

number trueAnomaly ( rad): The current true anomaly of the spacecraft.

Returns: The time to escape ( s).


function Orbit:GetTimeOfFlight(startTrueAnomaly: number, endTrueAnomaly: number)  number

Calculates the flight time from the current angle to the target angle.

number currentAngle ( rad): The starting true anomaly of the spacecraft. This can be in the range [-inf, inf] if elliptical.

number targetAngle ( rad): The ending true anomaly of the spacecraft. This can be in the range [-inf, inf] if elliptical.

Returns: The time ( s) until the spacecraft reaches the given true anomaly. Returns math.huge if the spacecraft will never reach the given target angle.


function Orbit:UniversalPrediction(currentTime: number, tolerance: number)  number

Uses the Universal Formulation of Orbital Prediction to numerically approximate the orbiting object's future position along its orbit at the given time.

This function uses numerical analysis, so perfect accuracy is not possible; instead, the function takes a required "tolerance" that it will refine the prediction to.

number currentTime ( s): The time at which to get the orbiting body's future position. The function calculates the internal deltaTime based on this orbit's epoch.

number tolerance ( km): The desired accuracy for the prediction. Use an appropriate small value like 0.000008 km. Lower tolerances mean more accuracy, but will take longer to compute.

Returns: The true anomaly ( rad) of the orbiting body at currentTime.


function Orbit:CubicBezierApproximationControlPoints(startTrueAnomaly: number, endTrueAnomaly: number)  
    number, number, 
    number, number, number, 
    number, number, 
    number, number, number
Calculates the control points for representing an arc of this orbit using a cubic bezier curve. Returns values in Perifocal coordinate system.

number startTrueAnomaly ( rad) The angular position of the start of the arc.

number endTrueAnomaly ( rad) The angular position of the end of the arc.

Additional Argument Considerations: This function assumes startTrueAnomaly < endTrueAnomaly and |startTrueAnomaly - endTrueAnomaly| < pi.


  • number ( km): The x-coordinate of the position of the first control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The y-coordinate of the position of the first control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The x-coordinate of the direction vector of the first control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The y-coordinate of the direction vector of the first control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The Timmer distance of the first control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The x-coordinate of the position of the second control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The y-coordinate of the position of the second control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The x-coordinate of the direction vector of the second control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The y-coordinate of the direction vector of the second control point in Perifocal coordinates.

  • number ( km): The Timmer distance of the second control point in Perifocal coordinates.